municipal enterprise " Mogilev institute of regional socio-political
researches " (MIRSPI) functions as a centre of science on a
self-supporting basis since October, 1990. The primary goals of the
institute are: - studying of actual problems of social and economic development and a political life on a scientific basis; - studying conditions and functioning of public opinion on a scientific basis; - completing of recommendations and offers for executive and administrative authorities. 80 research projects for the industrial and agricultural enterprises, bodies of local authorities have been ordered and executed during the existence of MIRSPI. A developed scientific report, brief analytical note and practical recommendations are worked out as a result of each research. All reports on scheduled themes of researches pass scientific examination and are registered in Belarus republican institute of system analysis and information supply (BelISA). 12 persons, from them 1 doctor of sociological sciences and 3 candidates of sciences, 2 scientific employees constantly work in MIRSPI. The material resources of the institute include 2 cabinets, 3 computers, 2 printers, 1 copier. Financing of activity is carried out by Mogilev Regional Executive Body (payment for the executed works), and also by the organizations and the establishments ordering research development. The institute carries out significant scientific-methodical work. The stuff of the institute initiated, since 1999, preparation of experts in the field of sociology at Mogilev State University. MIRSPI is the basis for practice of the students. Annually in the Institute teachers of public disciplines of high schools, post-graduate students and students from other cities of Belarus and the Russian Federation pass training. The main directions of the work of MIRSPI: 1. Studying of public opinion of city and agricultural population on pressing questions of sociopolitical, economic and psychological character. 2. Research of the social and economic problems of various demographic groups of the population, the reasons of deviating behavior of some categories. 3. Rendering of the operative help to the political organizations and formations in studying of their rating among the population and in separate labor collectives; the development of recommendations on perfection of their activity; forecasting of the political situation during election campaigns. 4. The social and economic and psychological analysis of problems of unemployment, demographic processes and formation of manpower. 5. Consultation of heads of local authorities and labor collectives on smoothing of social-psychological intensity, their rational recruitment; revealing of problems in interpersonal relations. 6. Studying of social-psychological consequences of the accident on the Chernobyl atomic power station and caused by it processes in areas of radioactive pollution. The Mogilev institute of regional sociopolitical researches is free from intervention or pressure of any external forces and currents. The institute operates on the basis of standards of the methodology and technique, accepted by the International Sociological Association. MIRSPI strictly observes the obligations to customers; results of researches cannot be published or transferred to other organizations without their consent. |